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The Charmed Blog Introduction


Blogging keeps me sane, so consider yourself warned!

Last semester I went to London, which was an unbelievable experience. I started blogging while I was there as a study abroad student blogger for the study abroad office called GeoBlog. However, I got super busy and editing my own writing takes days, weeks, years even. I wasn’t meeting the deadlines and I was starting to feel guilty. I decided to make a video and I got a positive response so I made another one and another one and now I want to share them with you!

I guess in a lot of ways I have this whole multicultural, female perspective and yes it’s just as annoying to view the world in this way as it is to point out every racist and misogynistic inclining in everything. Ignorance is bliss…duhh!

So this whole abroad business. Last semester I went to London and I grew up a bit. Not that I was immature to start out with but, I learned that the world was a much bigger place than what people tell you as a child. My mom treated my sister and I like we were Rapunzel and locked us away in our rooms in a small town in Pennsylvania. In this small town I learned how strange I am every day. Everyone’s all “Get yer gun and John Deere and huntin’ season and we hate Obama the anti-Christ! ” (I wish I were kidding) So as you can imagine I hated my skin, hair, eye color all that American self-loathing Blah Blah Blah. So when I went to London I was freaking the heck out when people were like kinda obsessed with me. Seriously, I walked down the street and for the first time people acknowledged my existence. For the first time I wasn’t “the invisible black girl”.

I think I learned to love myself, as cliché as that might seem, it’s actually true. I learned to love the parts of myself that I always thought were a fluke. I learned to love myself for where I am. I had an epiphany while I was abroad "ok self, you are going to be like this until you die, so you can either abhor every part of your being or embrace it" I decided to go with the latter cause I already tried the first one and it sucked.

This blog will be a forum for discussion about my experience in another culture. I am going to Dublin this time around and I have to be honest I may poop my pants. I’m not kidding; do they even have toilets there? Even if they do it may be too small because everyone’s a leprechaun and the toilets are custom made for baby booty's. Butt in all seriousness I have no clue what to expect. I'll be posting Video Diaries, pictures, and fun details about my travel every week starting September 1st. Please feel free to leave comments, let me know your doing and ask as many questions as possible. This is truly a forum for disscussion about body image, race, love and other diasters! (Yes thats a movie referance, deal with it.)

Commence the adventure!

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